Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Dead of Night FTU Tut

Supplies Needed:
PSP: I used PSP9, but any version should do.
 Kit of Choice: I used Dead of Night by Gimptastic Scraps. You can find it here.
 Tube of Choice: I used a tube by Anna Marine. I got this when she was with CILM. You can now find it at CDO. Please do not use without the proper license!
Mask Of Choice: I used 2nq5ftx here.
 Font of Choice: I used Raphael. It is a PTU font.
c/p= copy & paste
ds= drop shadow

Let's get started!

new canvas 600X600
c/p Frame3
resize 65%
c/p paper of choice (I used Paper6.)
resize 65%
select inside frame with magic wand
expand 5
on paper layer- invert & delete
c/p Moon
resize 35% & move below frame
erase anything showing outside of frame
c/p Necklace
resize 35% & place in center of moon
erase anything showing outside of frame
c/p tombstone
resize 35% & place inside frame
duplicate & resize 80%
Move up & to left
Copy & paste SkullPile
Resize 35% & place inside frame in between tombstones
Copy & paste GhostMan
Resize 45% & place in front of tombstone on right
Adjust- Brightness & Contrast
Set Brightness at 50 & Contrast at 5 to lighten him a little
c/p BlackCat
Resize 45% mirror & place at bottom right side of frame
c/p Tree
resize 65%
move to right side of frame
duplicate & mirror
merge down & move to bottom of layer palette
c/p tube
resize & mirror if needed

c/p any other elements you want
I used the following:
BackRose1- resize 30% duplicate & mirror
Rose- resize 28% duplicate & mirror
Candles- resize 28%

ds desired layers

c/p paper of choice (I used Paper1.)
Apply mask & merge group
resize 90%

crop & resize now if you plan on it
Add name, text & copyright
Save as .png & you're done!
I would love to see your results! If you would like to share just send them to me: sherenassweettreats@yahoo.com
 Let's get

Monday, September 17, 2012

Tooth Fairy Visit FTU Tut

Supplies Needed:
PSP: I used PSP9, but any version should do.
 Kit of Choice: I used Tooth Fairy Time by Gimptastic Scraps. You can find it here.
 Tube of Choice: I used the tubes that came with the kit. They are so cute!
Mask Of Choice: I used Misfitsmask#5madebyLNM-12 here.
 Font of Choice: I used Portfolio. It is a PTU font.
 Let's get started!

New canvas 600X600
Copy & paste Frame1
Resize 45% move to left & up slightly
Copy & paste Paper6
Resize 65% move behind frame
Select inside frame with magic wand
Expand by 5
On paper layer invert &delete
Copy & paste StarScatter
Resize 35% move behind frame
Duplicate & resize 85%
Move up
Duplicate one more time
Resize 80% & move up
Erase any stars that show outside of frame
Copy & paste Bed
Resize 65% & mirror
Copy & paste Boy
Resize 50% & place beside bed
Copy & paste Toy1 & Toy2
Resize both 25% & place under bed
Copy & paste Tooth
Resize 8% & 75%
Free rotate left 45 & place on bed
Copy & paste Toothpaste
Resize 25% & place by boy
Copy & paste Toothbrush
Resize 20% & place by toothpaste
Copy & paste ToothFairy
Resize 20% & place by tooth
Copy & paste Book
Resize 35%

Select your Ellipse Tool
Foreground:Null Background:Pattern Paper 1
Draw out an oval and place under everything so it looks like a rug (It needs to be right above frame in layer palette.)
Convert to raster

Drop shadow everything

Add paper of choice (I used Paper2.)
Apply mask & merge group

Crop & resize now

Add name, text & copyright

Save as a .png & you're done!

I would love to see your results! If you would like to share just send them to me: sherenassweettreats@yahoo.com 

So Sweet PTU Tut

PSP: I used PSP9, but any version should do.
 Kit of Choice: I used  Colors of Purple by Country Princess Scraps. You can purchase it here.
 Tube of Choice: I used a tube by Suzanne Woolcott. You can find it here. Please do not use without the proper license!
Temp of Choice: I used Temp 3 here.
 Font of Choice: I used 2Peas A Little Loopy. This is a PTU font.

Let's get started!

Open template
Crop to merged opaque
Resize 525X421
Canvas size 600X600 centered

Delete the following:
Raster 15
Raster 13
Raster 9
Raster 8
Raster 5

Replace each template layer with color, element or paper of choice
I used the following:
Copy (2) of Vector 1- Paper 18
Copy of Vector1- Paper 18
Raster 7- Paper 18
Raster 6- #611170 Add Noise 35% Gaussian Monochrome checked
Copy of Vector 3- #611170 Add Noise 35% Gaussian Monochrome checked
Raster 4- #000000
Copy (2) of Vector 1- #8f79b9 Add Noise 35% Gaussian Monochrome checked
Copy of Vector 1- Paper 18
Raster 3- Paper 14
Copy of Vector 2- #000000
Raster 2- Paper 8
Copy of Raster 10- Paper 1
Raster 10- #611170 Add Noise 35% Gaussian Monochrome checked
Raster 11- #611170 Add Noise 35% Gaussian Monochrome checked
Raster 12- Paper 1
Raster 14- Papere 15
Raster 1- Floodfill #ffffff

Add any elements you want
I added the following:
Star Swirl 1- resize 90%
Small Bow 1- resize 45% free rotate left 20
Cupcake 1- resize 45%
Choc Strawberry 1- resize 20% mirror
CandyStick 4- resize 35% free rotate left 20
CandyStick 3- resize 35% free rotate right 20
Swirlpop 1- resize 35%

Drop shadow desired layers

Add your tube
Resize and mirror if needed
On duplicate- Gaussian Blur 3 change blend mode to soft light
Drop shadow original

Add tube again
Arrange inside one of the squares (see mine)
Delete any part outside of square
Change blend mode to Luminance(Legacy) Opacity 45
Repeat for other 2 squares

Crop Merged Opaque
Resize now if you plan on it

Add name, text & copyright
Save as .png & you're done!

I would love to see your results! If you would like to share just send them to me: sherenassweettreats@yahoo.com

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My First Kit!

I love Halloween, so I decided to try to make a kit. This is my first kit, so go easy on me. LOL

Click the preview to download. If you download, please leave a comment.

 I would love to see anything you make with my kit! If you would like to share just send them to me: sherenassweettreats@yahoo.com

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Beautiful PTU Tut

Supplies Needed:
PSP: I used PSP9, but any version should do.
 Kit of Choice: I used Nature's Jewel by Gimptastic Scraps. You can buy it here.
 Tube of Choice: I used Soon Fall by Alex_Prihodko. You can find it here at PicsforDesign. Please do not use without the proper license!
Temp of Choice: I used TMW_SquareTemplate4_CM here.
Mask Of Choice: I used Vix_BigMask017 here.
 Font of Choice: I used Saginaw here.
Wordart I made (Just click to make it actual size, then right click to save.)
Let's get started!
 Open template
Crop merged opaque
Resize 525X489 pixels
Canvas size 600X600 pixels
Delete ©Info

Replace each layer with paper, element or color of choice
I used the following:
RightRec- Paper3
LeftRec- Paper3
CenterRec- Paper1
RightCircle- Paper9
LeftCircle- Paper9
CenterCircle- Paper9
DottedCircles- #474f20 Add Noise 25% Gaussian Monochrome checked
SmallSquares2- Delete
SmallSquares1- Delete
PinkSquare- Paper1
Spots- #474f20 Add Noise 25% Gaussian Monochrome checked

I moved CenterRec & CenterCircle to the top.
I also created frames around all except DottedCircles & Spots.

Add tube
Resize as needed & drop shadow

Add any elements you want
I added the following:
Pillow2- resize 65% free rotate right 90
Book- resize 40%
Flower3- resize 50%
Flower4- resize 50%
Flower5- resize 50%
Basket- resize 35%
Apple- resize 20% & duplicate twice
Butterflies- resize 40% recolored

Add the wordart I supplied

Drop shadow elements & wordart

Copy & paste paper of choice (I used Paper3)
Apply mask & merge group

Crop & resize now if you plan on it
Add name & copyright

Save as a .png & you're done!

I would love to see your results! If you would like to share just send them to me: sherenassweettreats@yahoo.com 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Cute Spook PTU Tut

Supplies Needed:
PSP: I used PSP9, but any version should do.
Kit of Choice: I used Spooky Stuff by Country Princess Scraps. You can purchase it here.
Tube of Choice: I used the poser that came with the kit.
Font of Choice: I used The Idiot here.
Plugin: VM Natural Sparkle
Let's get started!
 New canvas 600X600
Use the ellipse tool to draw a circle
Foreground: #d54f12 Background: Null
Stroke Width: 20
Objects Align Center in Canvas
On bottom Vector layer click + sign
Double click New Ellipse and change Foreground to #000000 and Stroke Width to 25
Convert both to raster
On top layer apply Inner Bevel with these settings:
Bevel:2 Width:8 Smoothness:24 Depth:4 Ambience:-4 Shininess:32 Angle:0 Intensity:32 Elevation:58 Color:White
Merge down

Copy & paste paper of choice (I used Paper26)
Move below Raster1
Select inside Raster1 with magic wand
Expand by 5
On paper layer invert & delete
Apply VM Natural Sparkles with these settings:

Drop shadow Raster1

Add any elements you wish
I added the following:
Element43- resize 75%
Element32- resize 25%
Element77- resize 25% free rotate left 25
Element78- resize 25% then 70% free rotate left 25
poser1- resize 65%
Drop shadow all elements

Crop & resize now if you want
Add name & copyright
Save as a .png and you're done!
I also did one with animated bubbles. I got the bubbles from LoveShack's Animations & PSP Tutorials. I rotated and recolored them to match.

I would love to see your results! If you would like to share just send them to me: sherenassweettreats@yahoo.com 

New CT!!!!

I have joined another Creative Team! I have joined Country Princess Scraps' creative team. You can find her blog here. She just started selling her kits at Pics for Design. I'll have my first tutorial using one of her kits up later today.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Fall FTU Tut

Supplies Needed:
PSP: I used PSP9, but any version should do.
Kit of Choice: I used Fall for All by Gimptastic Scraps. You can find it here.
Tube of Choice: I used the girl from the kit. She is so cute!
Mask of Choice: I am using WSL Mask12 here
Font of Choice: I used Janda As Long As You Love Me here.
Let's get started!
 New canvas 600X600
Copy & paste Frame5 as a new layer
Resize 65%
Copy & paste paper of choice (I used Paper8.)
Select inside frame with magic wand
Expand by 5
On paper layer invert and delete
Copy & paste Fence as a new layer
Resize 45% and move to left
Duplicate and mirror
Arrange so it looks like 1 continuous fence
Merge down
Copy & paste Bird
Resize 45%
Move to left and place on fence
Copy & paste Pumpkin
Resize 35%
Duplicate & resize 85%
Move to right
Copy and paste Scatter1
Resize 35%
Duplicate a few times and move around
Do the same with Scatter2
Continue doing this until you have a "ground"
See my tag for reference
Copy & paste Wagon
Resize 45% & mirror
Copy & paste Dog
Resize 35% & mirror
Copy & paste Girl
Resize 45%
Add WA
Resize 35%
Copy & paste Leaves3
Resize 35%
Merge down
Drop shadow everything

Copy & paste paper of choice (I used Paper2.)
Apply mask & merge
Resize 90%

Crop & resize now if you plan on it
Add name & copyright

Save as a .png & you're done!
I would love to see your results! If you would like to share just send them to me: sherenassweettreats@yahoo.com