Monday, May 28, 2012

Electric Youth PTU Tut

This is a very simple tut, so it should be easy to follow.

PSP- I use PSP9 but any version will work.
Scrapkit: I am using Electric Youth by Gimptastic Scraps. You can purchase it here.
Tube of Choice: I am using You Rock by Elias Chatzoudis. I bought this tube at PSP Tubes Emporium, but they are now closed:( I will add a link to his store as soon as it is up and running. You must have a license to use his work!
Font of Choice: I am using Wickenden Cafe NDP. This is a PTU font.
Ok, let's get started!
 new canvas 600X600
copy & paste Frame1
resize 75% all layers unchecked
drop shadow
copy & paste Paper2
select inside frame
expand by 5
on paper layer invert delete
copy & paste tube
drop shadow
select frame layer
select all float defloat
on tube layer delete part that shows on bottom of frame
delete part of tube showing below frame

copy & paste elements of choice
resize as needed
i used the following:
cell- free rotate 20 left
flower- resize 75% duplicate
notebook- free rotate 20 right
chalk heart2- resize 45%
marker1- resize 45%

copy & paste paper1
apply mask

crop to merged opaque
resize now if desired

add name and copyright
save as .png

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

FTU Tut- Glamorous #4

A few of my friends got together for a collab. The kits ROCK! So, I decided to use each part and create an FTU tut. This is Tasha's part. You can grab her part and find out where to get the rest at Tasha's Playground.

Supplies Needed:
PSP (I use PSP9 but any version should do.)
Kit of Choice- I used Tasha's part of the Glamorous Collab here
Tube of Choice- I used Dalia by Elias Chatzoudis. I bought this tube at PSP Tubes Emporium, but they are now closed:( I will add a link to his store as soon as it is up and running. Please do not use without the proper license!
Mask of Choice- I used WSL Mask81 here
Font of Choice- I used Great Vibes here

Let's get started!

New canvas 600X600
Copy & paste frame3
Resize 75% all layers unchecked
Copy & paste wordart
Resize 75% all layers unchecked
Move to bottom of frame
Copy & paste paper of choice (I used paper3)
Select inside frame
Expand by 5
On paper layer invert delete

Add any elements you like
I added these between the wordart and frame:
felt flower resize 50% duplicate mirror
flower4 resize 50% duplicate mirror
flower1 resize 50%
butterfly pop resize 50% free rotate 25% left
duplicate mirror

Add new layer above background layer
Floodfill with gradient or color of choice (I used #bb2f80 and added noise)
Apply mask

Add tube above frame
Position where it looks like tube is coming out of frame
Erase any part of tube showing below wordart and elements

Add drop shadow to desired layers

Crop to merged opaque

Resize if desired

Add name & copyright
Save as .png

I would love to see your results! If you would like to share just send them to me:

Monday, May 21, 2012

FTU Tut- Glamorous #3 Banner

A few of my friends got together for a collab. The kits ROCK! So, I decided to use each part and create an FTU tut. This is Sarah's part. You can grab her part and find out where to get the rest at Sarah's Tags -N- Things.
Supplies needed:
PSP (I use PSP9 but any version should do.)
Kit of Choice- I used Sarah's part of the Glamorous Collab here
Tube of Choice- I used Mary. It is an Exclusive at pics for design. Please do not use without the proper license!
Font of Choice- I used P22 Corinthia. This is a PTU font.
  Animation Shop (optional)

Let's get started!
new canvas 600X275
copy & paste paper6
copy & paste city
position at bottom of canvas
copy & paste purple light
right click purple light layer and click new layer group
copy & paste magenta light
move into group
position in top left corner
ungroup layers
hide magenta light
copy & paste tube as new layer
resize if needed and place on far right
copy & paste closeup
move below city
change blend mode to luminance (legacy) and opacity to 45
add new layer
set foreground color to #b42273 and background color to #ffc42e
make gradient with these settings:

floodfill layer
select all contract by 7
select all contract by 1
invert delete
add new layer
floodfill layer with #ffffff
select all contract by 8
move below gradient layer
on gradient layer add noise gaussian 45% monochrome checked
add name & copyright now
if you don't want to animate, save as .png

if you want to animate:
in psp, copy merged
paste into animation shop as new animation
back in psp, unhide magenta light and hide purple light
copy merged
paste after current frame in animation shop
back in psp, hide magenta light and unhide purple light
copy merged
paste after current frame in animation shop
select frame 1
insert image transition with these settings:

select frame 8
repeat image transition
delete frame 15
view animation and save

I would love to see your results! If you would like to share just send them to me:

FTU Tut- Glamorous #2

A few of my friends got together for a collab. The kits ROCK! So, I decided to use each part and create an FTU tut. This is Leah's part. You can grab her part and find out where to get the rest at Amy & Leah's Gimptastic Tuts.

Supplies needed:
PSP (I use PSP9 but any version should do.)
Kit of Choice- I used Leah's part of the Glamorous Collab here
Tube of Choice- I used blackcurrant. It is an Exclusive at pics for design. Please do not use without the proper license!
Template of Choice- i used Template 135 from Amy & Leah's Gimptastic Tuts
Font of Choice- I used Pupcat here
Let's get started!
Open template
Delete credits, 1 and 2
Canvas size 600X600
Copy & paste paper 3
Select layer 12
Select all float defloat
On paper layer invert delete

Repeat for all other layers
I used the following:
3- paper15
4- add noise gaussian 100 monochrome checked
5- paper8
6- add noise gaussian 100 monochrome checked
7- paper8
8- paper1
9- paper7
10- paper3
11- paper1

Copy & paste frame2
Resize 75% all layers unchecked

Add any elements you want
I added these:
_kiss resize 45% all layers unchecked
_butterfly 2 resize 30% all layers unchecked

Copy & paste tube resize if needed
Copy & paste closeup under frame
Select inside frame
Expand by 5
On closeup layer invert delete
Change blend mode to luminance(legacy) and opacity to 50

Add drop shadow to desired layers

Crop and resize if desired
Add name & copyright
Save as .png

I would love to see your results! If you would like to share just send them to me:

FTU Tut- Glamorous #1

A few of my friends got together for a collab. The kits ROCK! So, I decided to use each part and create an FTU tut. First up is Amy's part. You can grab her part and find out where to get the rest at Amy & Leah's Gimptastic Tuts. This tut is very simple. 

Supplies needed:
PSP (I use PSP9 but any version should do.)
Kit of Choice- I used Amy's part of the Glamorous Collab here
Tube of Choice- I used Talia by Jamie Kidd. You can find her work Creative Design Outlet here. Please do not use her work without the proper license!
Mask of Choice- I used Vix Mask 171. You can find it here.
Font of Choice- I am using I'm fashionista! here

Let's get started!

Open new canvas size 600X600
Copy & paste frame 3 as a new layer
Resize 75% all layers unchecked
Copy & paste frame 2 as a new layer
On original layer resize 78% all layers unchecked
On duplicate layer resize 72% all layers unchecked 
Merge the two together and move below the black frame
Merge all frames together
Copy & paste paper 3 as a new layer
Select inside frame and expand by 5
On paper layer invert delete

Add any elements you want
I used the following:
bottle resize 80%
feather1 resize 45%
duplicate mirror move into position
cell resize 75% free rotate 25% left

Copy & paste paper 9 and move to bottom
Apply mask

Copy & paste closeup tube below frame
Erase all of the tube showing below the frame
Copy & paste tube above cell
Free rotate 25% left
Select screen of cell expand by 1
On tube layer invert delete
Change opacity to 45
Merge down

Add drop shadow to everything except the paper and mask
I used these settings:
V:1 H:2 Opacity:55 Blur:5 Black

Select tube layer
Select all
Use selection tool and click on tube
Select frame layer
Erase part of frame going across tube's head
Merge visible
Resize now if you want
Add name & copyright
Save as .png

I would love to see your results! If you would like to share just send them to me:

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Don't Worry Bee Happy FTU Tut

PSP- I use PSP9 but any version will work.

Scrapkit: I am using Don't Worry Bee Happy by Gimptastic Scraps. You can find it here

Tube of Choice: I am using Blue Jeans by Joe Cano. I bought this tube at PSP Tubes Emporium, but they are now closed:( You can now find his work at Scraps and the City. You must have a license to use his work!
Template of Choice: I am using Temp108 by Amy & Leah's Gimptastic Tuts. You can find it here 
Font of Choice: I am using Great Vibes. You can find it here.
Wordart of Choice: I made my own.
Plugins: Eye Candy 4000 Gradient Glow (optional)
Ok, let's get started!
Open Temp 108
Resize 600X405
Crop to merged opaque
Canvas Size 600X600
 Select square layer
Select all Float Defloat
paste paper8 as new layer
invert delete
 delete square layer
select rect 3 layer
select all float defloat
add new layer
paste paper3 into selection
delete rect 3 layer
select rect 2 layer
select all float defloat
add new layer
paste paper5 into selection
delete rect 2 layer
add noise gaussian 45 monochrome checked
select rect 1 layer
select all float defloat
copy n paste paper4 as a new layer
invert delete
delete rect 1 layer
select circle layer
select all float defloat
add new layer
paste paper1 into selection
delete circle layer
 copy and paste frame2
resize 70% all layers unchecked
move into position around circle
add close up tube behind frame
on circle layer select all float defloat
back on close up layer, invert delete
i lowered the opacity to 50
 add a gradient glow with these settings to every layer except the close up and circle

add the regular tube to the left side
i mirrored mine
 i added:
bee1 resized 50%
add your wordart
place it so it goes across your tube
add drop shadow to all layers except the circle layer
i used 1 2 55 5
delete any part of your tube that shows below the wordart
if you want to resize do so now
add your name and copyright
save as a .png and you're done :)

I hope you enjoyed my tutorial. If you have any suggestions or feedback please let me know. I'm new to this, so I'll take all the help I can get!

I would love to see your results! If you would like to share just send them to me:

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Girls Rule- PTU Tut

This is my first tutorial so go easy on me :)

PSP: I use PSP9 but any version should work.

Scrapkit: I am using Lookout Weekend by Amy over at Amy & Leah's Gimptastic Tuts. You can purchase it here.

Tube of Choice: I am using Toon 3 by Joe Cano. I bought this tube at PSP Tubes Emporium, but they are now closed:( You can now find his work at Scraps and the City. You must have a license to use his work!

Mask of Choice: I'm using WSL Mask 84.

Font of Choice: I used Shadows in the Light.

Plugins: Color Dot and Jeans

Ok, Let's get started!

Open new canvas 600X600.
Copy and paste frame 3. Resize 85% all layers unchecked.
Use your magic wand and select inside one of the 3 frames. Selections-Modify-Epand by 5.
Paste the paper of choice as a new layer. Ctrl+Shift+I on your keyboard then press delete.
Repeat for the other 2 frames. I used papers 5,6 and 7.
Copy and paste your tube in the far right frame. Arrange it so the head is sticking out. 
Move below the frame layer.
Drop shadow. I used these settings on everything. 1, 2, 50, 5, black
Use the eraser tool to erase everything sticking out of the frame EXCEPT the head.
Select all. Use your selection tool and click on the tube. Selections- Defloat.
Select your frame layer. Grab your eraser tool and erase the part of the frame going across the head.
Copy and paste your tube again. Mirror then move into the far left frame.
Move below the frame layer.
Drop shadow and erase everything outside of the frame.
Effects- Penta Color Dot. Change the value to 20.
Change the blend mode to Luminance (Legacy).
Copy and paste your close up tube. Move it into position in the bottom frame. 
Move below the frame layer.
Erase everything outside of the frame.
Effects- Penta Jeans. Change the amount to 15.
Change the blend mode to Luminance (Legacy).
Copy and paste  paper of choice. Move it right above your background layer in your layer palette. I used paper 6.
Apply your mask.
Resize by 90% all layers unchecked.
Add any elements you want. I used the following:
Label 1
Flower1,2 and 3- resize 65%
Glitter Paint 1,2 and 3
HeartRainbow- free rotate left 20 degrees

I drop shadowed everything except the Glitter Paint.
Use your crop tool and crop merged opaque. 
Resize now if you plan on it.
Add name and copyright.
Save as a .png amd you're done!

I hope you enjoyed my tutorial. If you have any suggestions or feedback please let me know. I'm new to this, so I'll take all the help I can get!

I would love to see your results! If you would like to share just send them to me:

Joined a CT

I'm so excited! I was asked by Amy over at Amy & Leah's Gimptastic Tuts to join their CT! Amy just started selling kits at PTE. She only has 1 up right now, but I love it! I'll be back later today with a tutorial using her new kit.

Monday, May 7, 2012


This blog is for me to show off tags I've made. I'll be adding tutorials and (hopefully) templates and masks. Eventually I want to learn how to make scrapkits. I'll use mostly FTU scrapkits in my tutorials. I've never blogged before, so bare with me while I figure everything out.

Big thanks to Leah over at Amy & Leah's Gimptastic Tuts for all of her help!!!